This has been and will continue to be a crazy busy week...I'm out of the house for work from 8:30 am to 7pm today, and then have to try to make it to curves before they close, then re-score a video-tape of my research when I get home, write about 15 programs, and read ummm.....5 chapters and 4 articles for school??? AH! LAME. Thank goodness for Rockstar Cola. Have a Church event all day tomorrow, so the only weekend time available to get caught up is Sunday afternoon or tonight or tomorrow night. I can anticipate next week will be madd as well, so I need to try to get at least caught up this weekend.
I need some SOCIAL time!!! At least I will, at the very least be going to the Church event and get to spend time with our community there tomorrow.
How To Organize A Linen Closet
18 hours ago
ahhh you and I live almost parallel lives... I have similar work hours (8:00 am to 8:00 pm mon and wed), skipped gym all week except today, no video tape (hallelujah) just iep's, data sheets, iep meetings, programs, clinic meeting notes, ridiculous amounts of emails in inbox, children with homework, a thesis that is causing me to have anxiety attacks and oh, yeah... this thing called a family that keeps wanting me to step away from the computer.
Perhaps we should just move in together and share an office so we can socialize in between work. That way we'd never have to step away from the computer. Life? Uh yeah, why?! What is that?!?!?!
Have fun at your church event and buy a flat of rockstar baby!
I think sharing an office is a perfect solution! Today, my after one work/before the other work pick me up was a rockstar and a lemon luna bar...I had a moment to remember our energy drink-luna times. Then felt a bit ashamed that that was what was getting me through my day. Then the rockstar kicked in, and the luna tasted good and I stopped feeling guilty.
ahhhh luna lemon bars and energy drinks... accompanied by frozen yogurts and celery with peanut butter. Fuel of behavioral champions my friend!
Stupid 24 hour clock!
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