One of their signatures is their miso gravy (served with sesame fries, but also on many of their dragon bowls).

Soooo good. They sell it bottled, but until recently I thought the only place I could get it was at the NAAM. A couple of days ago I found it at the price smart foods in Langley (of all places) and decided to fullfill my dragon bowl craving. So here's what I did:
First, brown rice. A pile of it. In the middle of the plate.
Then, I put lightly blanched (VERY LIGHTLY, barely cooked) broccoli on top of the rice.
Then, marinated and sauteed tofu and sauteed mushrooms. I just marinated (well, my wonderful husband did) the tofu in tamari sauce and garlic. Then, dumped it into a frying pan with some olive oil and added the sliced mushrooms. Put a pile of this garlicy goodness on top of the rice. Like this:
Then, I put a pile of the carrots D. had grated on top of this, and topped it with bean sprouts. At this point it's really starting to look like NAAM quality dragon-bowl yumminess.

sounds so good! I've heard of the Naam, but I've never been.
I will have to try out both!
oh vic.
you have never been to the Naam.
it is a sight.
We should go sometime!!
Miso gravy is so much better than "real" gravy!
Rowena - do you have a good miso gravy recipe? I'd like to try making it from scratch :)
I've never tried it from scratch- but I love the idea. Maybe I'll try it. If you get to it before me, pass the recipe on please.
The Naam recipe is so good I don't know if anything I could make would match it:)
That's what I was thinking! I felt like anything I made wouldn't match it :).
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