Well, I've finished my pile of marking, most of my work for my clients is caught up and I just wrote my two most recent exams for my coursework. That means....ahem....I am *mostly* caught up. We celebrated (okay, I told D. we were celebrating) by having ginger baked salmon, with roasted potatoes and zucchini sauteed in lemon juice, salt and pepper and butter (well, light becel...not quite as exciting ;-). D. was wonderful and made the dinner while I finished off the last few exams.
I took today off of work to focus on studying for the exams I had today and write them, as well as finish my marking. I think it was a good decision. I needed the time to study as I bombed the last tests, and it feels very good to get these exams marked. Since I'm out of town for work on Friday again, this does mean that I have to fit all my "in-town" work (20+ hours) into the next three days...but I think it was worth it. Ask me again on Friday ;-).
Well...to bed. Tomorrow lots of work, and hopefully a visit to Curves...and a bit of cleaning later on if there's time. We'll see :-). At least there's left over salmon and potatoes for dinner tomorrow, and more fresh veggies to cook up.
How To Organize A Linen Closet
18 hours ago
Congratulations on being (almost) caught up! (That recipe for ginger salmon sounds de-lish)... Good luck over the next week, too!
mmmm, I am having salmon envy
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