I accomplished astoundingly little with an unplanned free morning (cancellation)...but went to work for the afternoon and then hit the gym. I finally got my new orthotics yesterday, and broke them in at the gym today, and so far no problems! I think I worked harder today than I have in a long time...I'm already weak and sore (but in a good way).
Super hungry when I got home..so I made this big bowl of yumminess:
1 oz buckwheat soba noodles (cooked, obviously).
1/2 avacado
1/2 red pepper
1 stalk of celery
1 bunch of alfalfa sprouts
1 left over garbanzo patty (see last post for recipe) crumbled up
balsamic dressing (1 T mayo, some nutritional yeast, some water, and balsamic vinegar mixed together).
Very very good. I put it all in a big square white serving bowl I have...for some reason when I put things in that bowl I like them even better.
Sorry no picture!!
Now watching Bones and waiting for D. to call to say he's ready to be picked up.
How To Organize A Linen Closet
10 hours ago