Friday, August 22, 2008

New Hair!!

I called to make a hair appointment today, and found out that my old stylist, who has given me the absolute BEST cuts I've ever had, who knows my hair and what I want, and who moved to London right before my conference (panic!!) is back in town!! So, I was able to get my hair cut by her today, and I am so glad she's back!! Here's the new do:

Friday, August 15, 2008

So close!

I just registered for my last 12 credits of my Master's degree. August 25 will be the beginning of my last semester!!

Which sounds a bit more exciting than it is, as I'll still need to be finishing off my thesis after that semester, and sit for the board exams. But, it's very close. 

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Last 5 days: Camping! We camped at China Beach which is beautiful, but cold. We set up in the rain and dark at 9:30pm on Thursday night, then promptly went back to Sooke to get another blanket Friday :-). The trip was great - lots of walking, LOTS of good food, and we had some friends come and visit us on our last night there which was great! I'm so happy they made the trek out from Victoria with their little baby girl! I got a) baby time, b) friends and c)camping all in one night :-).

Yesterday: Arriving home, unpacking and airing everything out, then cleaning and putting it all away again. Yummy BBQ'd salmon and roasted potatoes. Our traditional last night of camping meal is salmon and potatoes cooked in the fire in foil packets, but since we came back a night early we hadn't had it yet. So, we put them into their foil packets and onto the BBQ. So good!

Today: Brunch with my BIL and nephew - turns out they were on the island this weekend and came for brunch. It was a lovely lazy morning/afternoon lounging on the patio having coffee and visiting.

Tomorrow: Catch-up on everything day. Thesis proposal, work, research, studying for exams...all of the above.

Then: Onwards to the rest of crazy August. On the mainland for work Friday, wedding on Saturday, then out of town for work for 4-5 days, then back to the mainland, home for a week, then back to the mainland, then out for work for a week again, then a wedding, then another wedding!! Crazy! I am very happy to have found one week of weekdays that is distinctly un-booked thus far. Very thankful for that.

Pictures of the camping extravaganza to come :-)

AND I am getting very excited about my brother's wedding coming up soon!! So good!