Saturday, August 04, 2007

Home and thoughtful.

I was on the mainand for work the last two days. It was a mad weekend of driving all over the mainland! Highlights:
- Got to the ferry at 6:30 pm on Thursday night. I got on the 9PM ferry (and there WAS an 8pm). I had forgotten it was a long weekend (of course, because I was working).
-Had planned to stay at friends house because had fogotten till the night before that I hadn't planned where to stay, and friend needed a house-sitter (very convienient) for a day or two.
- Rolled in to dear friends home at 12am. ya. Thought I "should" go to bed. Thought I NEED some quality time with said friend. was 12-3am..but it was us, so it was still quality ;-).
- Ate Liberte lemon yogurt. To die for.
- Went to sleep around 3:30 am
- woke up at 6:30 am
- Drank strong and satisfying espresso. Ate more yogurt with fruit. Felt like I was in a bed and breakfast ;-). Visited over breakfast with a)google maps (to figure out how to get to work), b)friend I was staying with and c) friends children who I miss so much, and are so old now! It was good.
-Remembered what driving around the lower mainland is like (ick!)
- Had a great day at work.
- made bbq chicken pizza with wonderful chipolte tasting sauce and roast chicken I found in friends house
- worked for a few hours in the evening
- flopped and watched sitcoms for an hour or two
- hung out with the cats ( enormous cats)
- crashed
- worked another good day
- drove to ferries, had a wonderful evening ferry ride spent reading Harry Potter till the cars behind me were honking for me to get off the ferry.
-made it in time for the final blessing at vespers at Church, ate cake, visited, and came home.
- had wine on patio with husband who i missed (I decided to take tonight off)
- now sitting on patio at 11:30pm blogging having promised husband I'll be to bed in 10 minutes

Pretty good couple of days. Busy, crazy, glad to be home.

We're hoping to get some serious house-setting-up done tommorrow, and then I need to read 7 articles and post intelligent comments on them to my discussion group. No Problem!! Lol. Glad I took tonight off! Life is crazy, often stressful...but I am blessed, and happy with where I'm at. That's it (you know...after a two page post!).

1 comment:

  1. uhhh, errr, chipotle sauce? What chipotle sauce? Please tell me it was not the brown sauce in the tupperware container in my fridge... ohhh I hope Lindsey is reading this comment... what sauce did you eat?!?!

    glad you could housesit, hope you enjoyed the time!!!
