Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Slowly getting set up.

Well, we're slowly but surely plugging along. I caved and threw in the towel on work and studying when I got home from work yesterday, and spent a couple of hours setting up the kitchen. That and the deck are now fully usable and set up.

Last night we had an easy salad with roast chicken, and a little brie and bread, and wine for dinner. We sat on the deck - it was sooo nice! Then we got down to setting things up. We got the futon together, then a friend stopped by and we paused for a "break" (break=another glass of wine on the deck). She consulted with me about the placement of bookshelves, and after she left we moved the bookshelves to their new homes (i.e. out of the bedroom so we had room to set up the bed), and set up the bed. So, we were, luckily, able to crash once again in out own bed last night.

Lots of work, practicum and school stuff today...so likely no time for setting things up :-( . But, at least I have a kitchen, if not an office.


  1. yay!!!!!! so wish I could find enough time to come over there and unpack some boxes for you :-)

    miss you.

    living for our weekend together :-)

  2. Yay!!! I'm so happy for you... can I come have a "break" with you soon? :)

  3. Whoops... meant to tell you that I changed the link to my blog. I decided I don't want my full name "google-able" to my students and potential employers. The new link is http://sarahkcoch.blogspot.com/. That might explain why it seems my blog is so slow. No, wait. It is pretty slow. I should get on that!
