Sunday, August 09, 2009

New Favorites

Blog: Sprouted Kitchen

Web Browser: Firefox

Email program: Thunderbird.

I'm playing around with Sunbird, Mozilla's scheduling tool. I'm not sure I can make the switch to a digital planner. But, loosing my planner for a few days a couple of weeks ago has made me feel like I at least need to try :).

I also just downloaded Google Desktop. My favorite thing about it (besides the searches) is the nifty pop up to do list and other handy add-ons you can download.


  1. oh. Sprouted Kitchen is awesome and check out smitten kitchen - there is a link on my sidebar... yummy inspiration.

    I hear you about the digital daytimer... I use the moleskin daily journal and I love it - I love writing in it and I love the size - I take such great delight in the physicality - that online would just not be the same.

  2. I really really love the pop-up to do list. You click it as completed, and it jumps to the bottom of the list and fades in color. Lovely. Satisfying.

    I know - there is something about writing the schedule down that is calming to me. I love getting a new dayplanner and setting it up..

    I have checked out smitten kitchen too! Wonderful. I found it via Pioneer Woman.
