Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend happenings...


  • Up a couple of hours before my husband...I love it when I wake up early-ish on a Saturday morning, feeling rested. I made coffee, curled up on the couch and read a book, then had some blog-reading, online free time with my coffee before D. woke up.
  • I spent some more time researching local farms and locations to get local goods...also read a bunch of information about once a month cooking...very intersting!
  • Some of the places I visited: Get Local, Farm Fresh BC, Once a Month Cooking World, and many other places.
  • Alloette lake with D. in the afternoon. I swam "laps" in the lake, and layed in the sun while D. sat in the shade creating something on paper. It was a lovely afternoon.
  • Grilled local burgers and made corn on the cob on the grill for the first time. I will never, EVER make corn another way. So tasty! The burgers were amazing too (and I'm not much of a "large pieces of red meat" kind of gal either).


  • Church
  • Running various errands
  • Vaccumed the whole house, finally sorted through and put away mounds of clean laundry in our bedroom, and rearranged the furniture there.

It's been a good weekend. I'm thankful for it, as I have a busy work week coming up and am working all day Saturday next weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I love being up before the rest of my household. Which means I rarely sleep in; it is a trade off - but I think I prefer the quiet hours to the sleep.
