Thursday, May 14, 2009

Just saying

The other night I went on a bit of a rampage and unpacked a LOT Of boxes and got most of our books and livingroom things sorted out. So the house feels somewhat more in order. Still so much to do though!

Today and tomorrow are really REALLY long work days. I'm out of the house from about 7:30 am to 7;30pm each day, and as much as there's nothing "stressful" about them, I still just want them to be done with! The long out of the house, driving from client-to-client days are tiring, and make me anxious that I'll be late arriving or will forget something essential and not have time to go home to get it!

Thankfully this weekend is clear. We have nothing scheduled. Which means, unfortunately that I can get my taxes ready to send to my accountant (I get till June to file as self-employed), and hopefully can get caught up on thesis and work stuff. I need to get totally caught up, as I leave Friday of next week (at 7am blech) to go to Phoenix for a conference, then arrive home the following Tuesday night at 7pm, and have to be at work in Courtenay (on the island) by 9am the next day! Not totally sure how that is going to work out yet. Either I'll need to take a late ferry, or will have to fly over this time, first thing in the morning. Flying will only occur if they can arrange it though.

Anyhoo...not a whole lot to say aside from sorting out my schedule in blog-form to make me feel a bit less anxious about it :)

I am excited about Phoenix, and LOVE that it's 100 degrees (F) there right now (SUMMER!!!). The downside is that I DO NOT have my summer bathing suit body yet, and my nearly daily gym visits helped too much. We'll see. I won't complain about great weather though, and WILL lay on the pool deck regardless. I'll just get some big sunglasses : )


  1. Can I come with you to Phoenix? They're predicting snow for this afternoon. :(

  2. aw boo for snow!?!
