Friday, November 14, 2008

Brilliant Minds.

Found this here. I'm no where near doing my defense, but was looking for some funny grad student humor to lighten the mood for a presentation I'm doing and came accross this. It's hysterical. I've bolded my favorites. This really had me laughing out loud!
Things to Say and Do Guaranteed to Spice up Your Thesis and Dissertation Defenses
  1. Begin the defense by charging a cover and checking for ID.
  2. Charge a two-drink minimum.
  3. Begin with "Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise for the singing of our National Anthem."
  4. Bring coffee and charge 25 cents a cup.
  5. "Charge the mound" when a professor beans you with a high fast question.
  6. Describe parts of your dissertation using interpretive dance.
  7. Lead your committee members in a Wave.
  8. Break the tension at appropriate moments with a sing-a-long.
  9. Answer tough queries with "You call THAT a question? How'd you ever get to be a professor?"
  10. Have bodyguards outside the room to discourage attendance of certain professors.
  11. Present your defense using puppets.
  12. Before you begin your presentation, sell T-shirts to recoup the cost of copying, binding, etc.
  13. In addition, pass a collection basket.
  14. Answer complex issues in mime.
  15. Use the ocassion to hold a Tupperware party.
  16. Have bikini-clad models in charge of changing your overheads.
  17. At approximately the mid-point of your defense bring out maracas and shout "Everybody rumba!!"
  18. Explain nonsignificant findings with "It would have worked if it weren't for those f*%ing kids."
  19. Refuse to answer tough questions "in protest of our government's systematic and brutal opression of minorities."
  20. Offer door prizes and conduct a raffle.
  21. Ask professors to "Please phrase your question in the form of an answer."
  22. Interrupt every 15 minutes with the announcement "And now, a word from our sponsor."
  23. Present critical parts of your defense in iambic pentameter.
  24. In your announcement, inform your committee that it will be a black tie affair.
  25. Hire the Goodyear Blimp to circle the building.
  26. Announce to your committee that "There will be a short quiz after my presentation."
  27. Bring your pet boa.
  28. Bring snacks and start a food fight.
  29. Slap your committee chair with a glove and challenge him to a duel.
  30. Arrange for a halftime show.
  31. Bring a big foam hand that says "I'm #1."
  32. Pass out souvenier matchbooks.
  33. Hang a pinata over the table and hire a strolling mariachi band.
  34. Make each professor remove an item of clothing for each question asked.
  35. Use a Greek Chorus to highlight important points.
  36. When necessary, say "I'm sorry Professor Smith, I didn't say 'SIMON SAYS any questions?'. You're out."
  37. Dress in top hat and tails.
  38. Hold a pre-defense pep rally, complete with cheerleaders, pep band, and a bonfire.
  39. If you sense that things are not going well, threaten to detonate a small nuclear device in the room.
  40. Show slides of your last vacation.
  41. Put your overheads on a film strip. Designate a professor to be in charge of turning the strip when the tape recording beeps.
  42. If members of the committee begin to argue among themselves announce: "OK, everybody - heads down on the desk until you show me you can behave."
  43. When in trouble, begin speaking in tongues.
  44. Answer every question with a question.
  45. Hand out 3-D glasses.
  46. Announce credits at the end. Include a "key grip" and a "best boy."
  47. Make a practice of replying, "Sure, I could answer that, but then I'd have to kill you."
  48. Ask a friend and conspirator to attend and ask the first question. Draw a blank-loaded gun and "shoot" him. Have him make a great scene of dying. Be sure to include fake blood. Turn to your committee and ask "Other questions?"
  49. Wear clown makeup, a clown wig, clown shoes, a clown nose, and nothing else.
  50. Install "APPLAUSE" and "LAUGHTER" signs.
  51. Use a TelePromTer
  52. Alter the clocks in the room and begin your defense 15 minutes before anyone arrives.


  1. Anonymous9:45 p.m.

    thats fantastic.

  2. I love the applause signs.

  3. Thanks for this! It made me laugh out loud, too (and also explore the many possibilities for the future...)

    Let's talk! No more phone tag... :)

