Saturday, May 10, 2008


Today was a gooooood day. I did lot of out of the house work last week, and have been sick and so all the other stuff I needed to get done fell by the wayside.

But, today I
  • Slept in
  • Had waffles for breakfast with my DH
  • Finished everything I can for the moment for my ABA presentation
  • Sorted out a mad training schedule for one of my teams for next week
  • Finished off work for one client
  • Organized all my internship supervision documentation
  • FINISHED preparing everything for my taxes. I do have an accountant do them, and no, they're not late, as I'm self-employed and have till June 14. But, getting everything together seems a garganutan task. Just adding up income totals, kms driven for work, etc etc etc. Finding reciepts.
Every year I vow I will get more organized and I think I do, just still not quite there yet. Maybe when we stop moving around it will be easier :-)

Anyhoo, getting the tax stuff, internship stuff and scheduling sorted out is a big big accomplishment. Whew.

But it's now almost 9pm at night and I haven't been out of the house and am going squirrly.

Also need to figure out what to take to a potluck tomorrow after Church as we are on the "main course" list this week. I'm thinking large cold pasta dish.


  1. wow, you guys have a list for church meals? some days I think we might benefit from such a list. especially those days when the main food bringers don't bring food, and we end up having pink wafer cookies, cheesies, and coffee for lunch hour. nice.

  2. remind me to tell you how much I had to PAY in taxes this year. Totally gross!!! A definite disadvantage to self-employment!! sick. But I did my taxes, they are paid (woo-hoo credit!!) and hopefully I paid the right amount for GST. so gross.

  3. Vic - Yes, actually we have TEAMS that rotate on a weekly basis, so each team ends up bringing food (and being responsible for set up and clean up) once per month or so, and within our team, they assign a type of food, which also rotates (main dish, side, dessert etc.). Then other people bring what they want as well. But it means there's always something there.

    M - GROSS!! I'm afraid of self-employed taxes after this year. So far with my tuition amounts I"ve still only owed some CPP and EI but soon that will change.
