Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Growing back into myself.

I've been getting sick constantly, been tired alot, unmotivated, unhealthy. I knew what would help, I knew what would make me healthier, happier and in a better place. Getting around to making the changes I needed to was more difficult.

The first step was to go to Church regularly, and to take steps towards becoming more a part of that community. This has been challenging, as I am so often away for work. Making sure I am there every Sunday I'm healthy and here has made a big difference though.

My next step was to get healthier. I changed a number of habits including eating (all of this is still a work in progress) and have started getting more exercise on a regular basis. I'm remembering how much I enjoy this when I do it, and how much I enjoy cooking. Cooking really is realxing and such therapy for me, but along with socializing it goes out the window when I'm busy.

My wonderful mother, worried about my constantly being sick mailed me a care package including all kinds of vitamins, echinaccia, cold fx etc. I've been taking these regularly, trying to heal from the pneumonia, and prevent this looming cold!

Another big piece of the puzzle for me is that I am the ultimate extrovert, and lately, haven't been socializing at all. Partly due to scheduling, partly due to the effort involved in getting to know new people and making connections in the city I've now lived in for 5 years on and off and have yet to really put roots down in.

So, this week the social time just happened. There are a number of things we've been meaning to do, and people we've been wanting to get together and it's all fallen into place this week for some reason. Last night I had a great long walk and glass of wine with a girl friend. Tomorrow night we're having a few people over to watch a favorite series (arrested development!), hopefully, Friday we'll have dinner with a wonderful couple we don't get to spend time with often, and Saturday some friends are visiting from up-island and we'll hopefully have a great evening of making dinner together, dutch blitz and maybe even some croquenot.

My poor introverted husband may collapse before the week is up, but I know I will be energized!

As long as I can keep this cold away and manage to get all my work and studying done despite the socializing it will be a great week :-).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:18 a.m.

    I whole heartedly understand where you are coming from! Getting into shape, and having a sense of well being is more than just physical, more than just doing well at our jobs and our school. We need to feed our spirit and connect with people, especially in the hi-tech world we live in, that is so disconnected on an interpersonal level.
