Saturday, January 05, 2008

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas...

I finally blog to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We had a whirlwind holiday with two trips to the mainland, visitors in between the trips, and me coming down with the flu when we got back.

1) The bag of goodies from Trader Joes a wonderful friend brought me.
2) Seeing so many friends we don't get to see often.
3) Spending time with family, and especially getting to hang out with my parents, brother and his girlfriend and my nephew, who I haven't seen for way too long.
4) An addition to #3...seeing extended family that I haven't seen for a really long time.
5) An excellent wedding reception at the Memphis Blues restaurant in N. Van on New Years Eve! (This is where I saw the extended family).
6) Our new coffee maker. Mmmm...
7) Surprise additions to our SPUD organic grocery delivery - dear friends added in some "treats" (amazing cheeses and yummy bread!) to our order unbeknownst to us!

Overall a good, though busy holiday time. After we got home, a couple of days ago I came down with the flu everyone has had this season with a fever the whole thing...but the fever is pretty well gone now..just the cold-related stuff now...oi. Hopefully I can get better soon so I won't have quite so much work to catch up on next week. Ug.


  1. did you love the bbq?! What a fun wedding and way to spend New Years!! Glad you liked the cheese :-)

  2. by the old calendar you're just in time!
    happy new year! hope your flu clears up soon. sometimes the benefit of sickness is how it forces us to slow down (I caught a nasty bug just before new years. oi! I feel your pain!)
    don't work yourself too hard my blogging buddy.
