Tuesday, January 29, 2008


- Walking 30-min a day relatively regularly.
- Eating at the kitchen table instead of in the living room (often in front of the TV).
- Eating less sweets (over the last few days anyways).

Things to work on:
- Drinking less wine :-)
- Eating less last-minute food (especially when I have good, healthy food at home ready to be re-heated)...usually comfort food I opt for instead of healthful food.

Eating at the table...when I grew up, in my family, and for much of my married life so far (often due to not having a dining room table :-)) I have acquired the habit of eating in front of the TV/in the living room. One of those few things all weight loss/healthy eating/general good living guidelines have in common is "do not do other things while you eat" i.e. do not eat while watching TV, reading etc...D. and I keep saying we will move to eating at the table, but for some reason it seemed such a hard transition. So...what did we do?

1) Initially, I simply set up a "mail" area to hold the bits and pieces that ended up on the table...and put place mats on the table as a reminder that we were NOT supposed to pile bags, books, mail, etc on the table.
2) That worked well, but then we also actually changed to a smaller table so that it really fit in our kitchen, and also bought a shoe-rack to hold the shoes in a better way so they didn't interfere with the dining area. SO much of a difference. The table change has made a huge difference. It is square vs round and smaller than the other one, but actually fits our space, so we can use it without feeling cramped. And...every night since we've made the switch, we have eaten at the table.

AND...now, I really really look forward to dinners with D. at the table. It encourages me to plan dinners more, and that leads to healthier dinners. I look forward to the time to talk, to tell each other about our days, and spend one-on-one time together before (often) returning to work or studying.

BUT..still there are nights like tonight, when, despite having good, tasty, healthy food in the fridge...I stopped and bought bread and dips and wine. Hmmm...need to work on that. But, we DID still eat at the table :-).

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