Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Well..my plans for today:
1) Get caught up on all my other client work...and various bits and pieces related to work.
2) Do my out-of-the-house work.
3) Find a small Christmas tree and finish buying the little extras for Christmas gifts.
4) CLEAN my house.
5) Go to the gym if there's time. I recently went to the gym I used to go to before we moved to MA with a client, and remembered how much I loved it there. I think I'm going to try to get back into the habit of going there while I have a break from school and finding the time is a bit easier. Mostly because I had forgotten what an escape going there was. As soon as I walked in I felt more relaxed - so I think I will go back there :-).

I think life will be easier when I don't have school. I just realized yesterday that all I have to do this week is work, and that that actually makes a big difference. Not that I've been putting tons of time into school (as I should be) but it's just the fact that I don't have that, or marking hanging over me needing to be done in all my spare time. One day I'll be there!! Then I'm sure though, that something else will replace school!! Ah well..I will enjoy these little breaks while I have them :-).


  1. Phew! Ambitious list! You go girl!

    Different gym than curves? Did that not work out?

    Talk about stimulus control.... you walk in and feel better? very interesting!! :-) I really need to step away from the behavior analysis research articles for a little while and pretend to have a life.

  2. Ya...of the list, work was accomplished...then I attempted shopping and came to the conclusion that I HATE malls, and am a bit of grinch this year (not enough socializing I think)..still no tree..no decorations at all!!

    Ya...curves didn't do it, though I really didn't give it my all, but I just get so much out of going to the gym and working hard - it gives me a release and really helps with Stress reduction, but curves didn't do that for me.

  3. Grinch!! Who you????

  4. yes, I'm with you.
    there is nothing worse than spending christmas time off in the #@*$^ mall!
    eeeeeeeeeevil place.
    hope you have a great great christmas, and break!
    only 6 more days!!!
