Monday, November 26, 2007

Sleepless in Victoria

Well, I'm up early, b/c D. was taking the 7am ferry over to the mainland for work, and I took the opportunity to get up early with him in hopes of getting lots done today.

I had a really hard time going to sleep last night. My brain was whirling at breakneck speed thinking about:
-Client A
- Client B
- Potential thesis topics and exactly how I could execute said potential research. I thought about this in way too much detail when I didn't have a pen or pencil and paper or computer to record my thoughts. Can I remember what I was thinking about now? Not so much.
- My to do list for today and this week.
- That I couldn't sleep.
- That I may be keeping D. up with my tossing and turning when he had to get up early.
- Concentrating on laying still while I was thinking about everything else to minimize the disruption to D.

Lol! Now I'm debating showering and going into work uber early to get a good start on the day...or to stay at home and do my work from home and school stuff. I think I may go out to work so I can then come home and have a longer period of time to get things done in when I get back.

Bastet is confused - she is doing her weird dog thing (if I haven't told you about this yet - she has this stuffed dog she has a bizarre relationship with. Late at night, usually about 10 min after we go to bed she carries it around and meows in this bizarre meow that is a combination of the way mother cats meow to their kittens, and a predatory meow. She has a very bizarre relationship with this dog). It's morning Bastet, not evening!! lol!


  1. ugh, I've had those nights. Try some melatonin next time, it works wonders!

  2. Anonymous6:34 p.m.

    your sleepless nights sound much like mine! thesis, and students, and thesis, and research, and homework, and why can't i sleep?! I have been there girl. in fact, i'm there! Ha! hope the sandman visits you soon!

  3. (Please note the time this message was posted)

    :D Just sent away another conference proposal
