Friday, November 02, 2007


I felt kind of like I skipped school today. D. wasn't feeling well, and called in sick to work. I decided that I would move my day work to tomorrow, since I have to be out to do a presentation anyways (which makes it already not a "good" Saturday). So we kind of had our typical "Saturday morning" today, on Friday. This means we sleep in, lay around doing nothing, have waffles or eggs and turkey bacon for breakfast (today it was egg beaters and turkey bacon)and just hang out together. I said to D. at one point "I feel like I'm skipping out on school." He looked at me and said "Rebel." I found this very funny.

Anyways...the lazy time is over...time to finish this presentation for tomorrow before I head out for late afternoon/evening work out of the house. But, it was a nice morning :-).


  1. Someone once told me..."The most Godly thing you can do is take the day off" your case it was a half day.....but just as beneficial! It's times like that which become the "gems" in this hectic life you lead....

  2. Good for you! Sound heavenly...

  3. Anonymous3:45 p.m.

    I just discovered the comment you left on my blog at the beginning of last month. Apparently my email preferences were screwy...

    we miss you too! and thanks for commenting, it makes me feel loved.

  4. Lynn! I was just reading your blog and about to comment again :-).

    I'm glad I can keep in touch at least a bit with you guys via blogs and facebook. I've been thinking about all of you and the girls a lot in the last little while.
