Monday, October 15, 2007

Celebration time....

Well, I've finished my pile of marking, most of my work for my clients is caught up and I just wrote my two most recent exams for my coursework. That means....ahem....I am *mostly* caught up. We celebrated (okay, I told D. we were celebrating) by having ginger baked salmon, with roasted potatoes and zucchini sauteed in lemon juice, salt and pepper and butter (well, light becel...not quite as exciting ;-). D. was wonderful and made the dinner while I finished off the last few exams.

I took today off of work to focus on studying for the exams I had today and write them, as well as finish my marking. I think it was a good decision. I needed the time to study as I bombed the last tests, and it feels very good to get these exams marked. Since I'm out of town for work on Friday again, this does mean that I have to fit all my "in-town" work (20+ hours) into the next three days...but I think it was worth it. Ask me again on Friday ;-). bed. Tomorrow lots of work, and hopefully a visit to Curves...and a bit of cleaning later on if there's time. We'll see :-). At least there's left over salmon and potatoes for dinner tomorrow, and more fresh veggies to cook up.


  1. Congratulations on being (almost) caught up! (That recipe for ginger salmon sounds de-lish)... Good luck over the next week, too!

  2. mmmm, I am having salmon envy
