Monday, September 17, 2007

Freezing nut

I have turned into a freezing nut. Everytime I make something (like soup, sauce, chicken etc), I make extra and freeze a bunch of it for later. My freezer has gone from 1/4 full a couple of weeks ago to almost full now! I'm sure it will benefit us later on though :-). So far there is frozen tomato soup, beet soup, cooked chicken breast, peaches, peach crisp and hot peppers.

Tonight will be a left overs night. I think I"ll make a salad, and we'll have some tuna a friend cooked, and maybe have a bit of soup left over from last night.

I have to get through the day first though. Lots of work ahead of me, and studying when I get home, before I can make dinner.

1 comment:

  1. how is it that we have never been roomies for more than 1 week? We would be a great duo don't you think? We'd have a great freezer.

    next time you bring that pathfinder over, come to my house and pick up the small, apartment sized deep freeze that is sitting in my garage. WE keep intending to sell it but.... if you want it, and come take it, its yours.
