Sunday, September 30, 2007

Falling for soup.

It was super crazy windy last night, and raining off and on. For some reason, I enjoyed the sound of the wind and rain so much. We had a low-key day yesterday and mostly stayed in. I was still sick, and letting the antibiotics work their magic. So, being curled up on the couch in a blanket with the wind roaring outside felt cozy and good. We had waffles for breakfast (and made a bunch to freeze for breakfasts) and then I spent the rest of the day getting a good deal of work done.

Today we went grocery shopping after Church and made the foray out to Superstore. I loaded up on some fall Joe attire (well not really "loaded up," - got a few items), and we also got a new soup pot (in addition to groceries). I have to say I'm in love with this soup pot. I don't think I've had a real, big, soup pot since we've been married, so this was very exciting. This particular one has a kind of cartoony shape -it's wider at the bottom and narrows in at the top just a bit. It's HUGE, which is great. I think it has "character" though maybe I'm just overexcited by the pot.

So, I decided, since my SPUD order included a big bag of carrots, and I had most of the fixings at home already to make Chili. I made a low-fat black been and beef chili. I made a few modifications to the recipe: I doubled it, added three cloves of garlic, salt, and used fresh corn instead of frozen, because I happened to get 4 ears of corn from SPUD this week, and really am not in the mood for eating it on the cob. I also cut the cumin back by about 1/2 as I'm not a fan of a really strong cumin taste. The chili turned out really well, and due to my wonderful giant pot, there was lots to spare. So we'll have several lunches and at least two dinners worth frozen for later! On a side note, the pot was ridiculously easy to clean! I don't know what it's made out of, but it's excellent (just no-name superstore cheap-o pot, but apparently good like Joe).

The chili, the rain, the wind, and the new warm-weather clothes all make me thankful it is fall. I love sweaters and soup, and curling up inside on a cold day. I'm not a fan of the rain, but I think this year it won't be as bad as I'm not travelling by transit as much.

I am feeling quite a bit better today - still very stuffy and all that grossness, but the crazy sinus part is gone, and I have a bit more energy, which is really good.

Now to finally finally score that video for my research, and write an article review for school for tomorrow. Then maybe try to finish catching up on work? Or maybe go to bed. We'll see how the first two tasks go.


  1. Ohhh I love a good pot.... for the stove that is!!!! I love making a big vat of something yummy on a rainy day. As much as this rain is grossing me out, I do love the cozy feeling.

    chili sounds GOOD! I must make!

  2. mmmm. that chili sounds wonderful.
    yes, those are all the same things I love about fall.
    the inside coziness.
    get better!!
