Saturday, April 14, 2007


At the "do" they threw for me in MA before I left, a friend made this super yummy cheese dish. All it was (so she told me) was 2 packages of cream cheese, and one jar of a specific hot pepper jelly. Mix them in a food processor, and put the mixture into a cassorole or other baking dish, and bake in the oven at 350/400 degrees F. for 20 minutes. It was SO yummy!

So, before I left MA, I picked up this hot pepper jelly at the "Cape cod craft shop." So I thought I would take her at her word, and try making it based on what she had told me. I made it tonight, and it was SO easy, and SO good. It is just as I described above - mix 2 packages of cream cheese and 1 jar of hot pepper jelly ( I think that jalapeno jelly or what not would do) in a food processor, bake for 20 minutes, and serve with crackers. It was very yummy - hot and a bit sweet from the jelly, but the cheese offset the spice. Very yummy.

We had a wonderful visit with Daryl's aunt, who I've blogged about before. I love her so much - we always have such a wonderful time visiting with her. I missed her so much when we were in MA! It was impromptu (we called at 8pm and said "want to come over for a glass of wine etc..?" and she came), and so great.

1 comment:

  1. I remember that jelly.....and that recipe...
    It sounds wonderful!!
    Thanks for the reminder...:-)
