Saturday, February 17, 2007

Trudging along...

I shouldn't say trudging, because my parents are here now, and that is wonderful! We had an amazing dinner at 1790 (I've blogged about this before). I had pecan encrusted chicken, topped with apples and brie, with the most spectacular mashed potatoes and this amazing squash side dish (TO DIE FOR). I had Lobster Rangoons for my appetizer which were also wonderful. Dad chose a great wine, a real Zinfandel (not white) from the Nappa Valley, by Ruthurford Ranch. I've never had a real Zinfandel before. Mom tells me that the true Zinfandel's are only made in a particular region in the Nappa Valley, from grapes grown on 80-100 year old vines. Interesting!

I'm very much ready to be done work and getting ready to go home. I'm glad my parents are here, because I'd be going batty having to work this week and not being able to get everything done. Thankfully they are here to help with the packing and cleaning, and do things I dread like calling around to car dealerships to see what they'd give me for the car, in the worst case scenario that it doesn't sell. I've had three people show interest in the car, one offer significantly below the asking price, but still more than I'd get at a dealership. so, I'll have to probably make a decision in the next few days if no other offers come up. Sigh.

I can't believe I have to go back for a week of work tomorrow! But tomorrow will be my last 12 hour shift, and this week is it. So much to do, and I'm trying so hard to keep myself moving and motivated.

Big perk to having mom and dad here - I can use mom's laptop, which actually works! I don't have to walk away from it while it loads a page! Wow! lol not that I'm bitter :-)


  1. A few of the BC wineries are starting to produce real zins now, not those creepy pink sweet drinks but the nice, deep purple red zins like California. I bought a two bottles from Inniskillen this year but they have been relegated to the cellar for at least a few years. I've had a few Napa versions though and they have been so amazing! How the pink variety ever earned the name zinfandel I have no idea!!!?! Glad to hear you had a nice dinner out and some helping hands, what great timing your parents trip is. Can't wait to see you soon... VERY soon :-)

  2. Sounded like an awesome dinner...mmm. Hey - we can't wait til you're home (we were just counting the days yesterday!).

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun! I can't wait until you're home...
