Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I made it

I'm here in Langely now....after lots of travelling yesterday, Bastet and I made it safely home. Well, almost home, not quite to the island yet :-). Bastet was great through all the travelling, not a sound from her while driving, or while on the plane, and she was SO good when I had to take her out and carry her through security - clining to me for dear life, but totally ok, and not trying to get away or anything.

Bye bye MA, bye bye Shrewsbury :-) Hello Langley, and soon...hello Victoria!

Somehow, I went from having no plans for while I was here, to having every minute practically booked up. Today I have to go to the bank with my parents, and I get to go visit my great aunt, and later today my nephew. Then tonight D. arrives, and we get to run away for a night at a B&B, and then head up to my parents to pick up all our stuff with a moving van tomorrow. Then I"ll be back at some point tomorrow afternoon, then Friday a meeting for work, and off to M's for a night! I'm SUPER Stoked about that :-). My ears are burning to hear "STELLLLLLAAAHHH." Hilarious!

But that little schedule leaves almost no time for anything else! Good thing I'm coming over several weekends in the next little while. Oi!


  1. Welcome home! I know M is so excited. :-)

  2. wow! didn't you guys just leave? I long to hear the whole story.

  3. Hi! It sounds like you are very busy. I hope your trip to your parents' house went well. Call me when you have a spare moment to tell me if there's anything I can do to help.

  4. It is coming... I can feel it rising up... "Sttteellll..." you'll have to wait a few more hours to hear the rest.

  5. So, so glad you are home.
