Thursday, October 26, 2006


I passed Brian Iwata in the hallway at work. Functional analysis guru. One of "the" people in my field.

I think only one person who reads my blog will understand my excitement about that.

I'm a nerd.


  1. what did you do? did you go bug eyed???

    hmmm, seriously exciting!

  2. I was stunned. I did a classic double-take. He was coming out of the washroom, as I was passing it on my way to a meeting...I looked, stopped, turned and looked again. When I got to my meeting with our specialist, I casually asked " Brian Iwata here today??" And yes he was.

  3. I saw TESL stars today, too! How fun!

  4. LOL! Hopefully he didn't see you awgling him as he came out of the bathroom... he might have had a "is my fly down" crisis for the rest of the day :-)
