Thursday, September 28, 2006

Where did the week go?

I can't believe today is my Friday already! The weeks seriously disappear so quickly, I don't know how or why, but htey just fly by.

Yesterday, we went to a liturgy at this Orthodox Nursing home that's about 10 minutes from us. It was quite an experience. Those in attendance were primarily residents of the nursing home, and volunteers there to help with the service, but we felt very welcome. The priests in the area trade off from week to week, and this week Fr. Michael, the priest at St. George's (the Church we're going to vespers at and Daryl is going to Sundays at) was there this week.We had a good talk with Fr. Michael, and other parishoners, and I got to "talk shop" with another prosphora baker, which was great. I think that we may have found our Church home here. Now to really try to get involved! They have a women's group, a men's group, parish events, a youth group, Choir, Church school, and lots of other places to get involved.

Tonight, we're going to Danika's house to watch the first two episodes of Grey's Anatomy! I got totally addicted to this last year, but don't have TV here so I missed the season premiere last Thursday. Luckily for me Danika has on demand cable :-).

Tomorrow I think we'll be going to pick up the rest of the furniture we're taking from Danika. I'll be getting a desk (yay!), which I'm hoping will provide the needed space and motivation to get moving on this research I have to finish writing up. We'll also get a kitchen island similar to this, but with drawers and a few other things in it as well. We'll also pick up a mirror, and some bookshelves. We'll be all set once we have all of this. I'm so thankful we have such a genrous friend moving into a smaller space!

Must get going though, time to get off to work.


  1. Heya! HUGS!
    Grey's Anatomy hey? I want that book. Oh wait, you meant the show...
    I got kind of put off the show at first, cause the first episode I ever tuned in to was about what'shername giving herself an abortion. But I've seen bits more recently that looked really well written and entertaining. I'll have to investigate further.

    Today was Commando Day in manual skills class. It was fuuuunn....

  2. I love your pictures! Man, it's like the 'Where's Bear' anthology. Seems like you three (you daryl and bastet) are settling in nicely. You'll have to post in more pictures once you've got your place all set up nicely the way you want it.
    Miss you. :(
