Sunday, September 17, 2006

One down...

I made it through my first day. Whew. Exhausted. Didn't sleep at all last night. Long day. I had a bunch of evaluations (that I wasn't expecting!) , which seem to have gone well. I still felt like I had no clue though. It will all work out in time though I'm sure.

Now to bed for a movie and sleep...sweet sleep.


  1. Hey where are the pictures of all this fab furniture in your fab apartment?? Come on woman, we're dying here!

  2. Anonymous6:45 a.m.

    Patients my young padawa. Pics should be up in another two days (or so).

  3. hope your second day is slightly less stressful... it gets easier! It has too! although I personally haven't found it to get much easier, I am stressing slightly less. slightly is the key word.

  4. Hmmmph. Young padawa is having a tantrum. *holds breath and puffs out cheeks*
    How's the baby? Our new baby is hyper and likes to bite our toes. Silly baby. Toes are for people.

  5. Anonymous12:01 p.m.

    Hang in there, Ty. I'm hoping to have a phone line one of these days (I hate moving - eep, wrong person to gripe to about this!) and will be giving you a call soon(ish). Miss you! Rach

  6. Oy! I'm right with you and the exhaustion! It gets easier, or maybe we just get used to it. Either way, it won't be this hard forever. Promise!
    That's fantasic about your furniture and the kitchen basics. I just stocked up our new home, too and it is nice to know that you can cook something if you want to. Not that you necessarily will, but it's knowing that you can if you happened to want to.
    I can't wait to hear an update after this week ends - that's too bad about the surprise evaluations. I bet you did fabulousm, though - how could they not love you?!
