Sunday, August 27, 2006


We made it!! My visa was approved at the boarder, after MUCH discussion and debate over why exactly we had MA plates on our car when we'd never lived or worked in MA before ( "So, you were that sure your visa would be approved hey?"). Sigh. It was stressful, but not at all as traumatic as I had anticipated. I learned a few things:
1) Boarder guards are not allowed to be pleasant under ANY circumstances..even after they approve your visa.
2) They refuse to actually tell you they are approving it...they just send you to pay the cashier - that's how you know your approved.
3) They don't care if you have a cat, or what is in your car at all (not one question or glance at the inside of the car).
4) They can't quite understand that the female is the one getting the visa.
5) They care nothing about your spouse, except to tell him that you will be deported if he tries to work in the US.
6) They like to make fun of your salary..."You know you're not making very much..."
7) They make mistakes too, but will never admit it. At one point the guard called Daryl over and asked him the exact question he'd asked me 5 times already, I'm sure in an attempt to trip us up and get a different answer. Except he asked it wrong. He asked "So, why do you have a MA drivers liscence?!?" Daryl looked at him, we looked at each other, and Daryl said "Do you mean liscence plates?? Because I don't have a MA drivers liscence." The guard looked down and moved on to the next question. Said nothing. I thoroughly enjoyed it though :-).

So we are in our apartment, which we love. We are within walking distance of everythng, some of which are:
-3 grocery stores including Trader Joes, which a friend told me about. This amazing organic/natural food store with better prices than the regular grocery store...I'm in love.
- Cafe/Bakery (essential, we've already tried it out).
-Liqour store
-Southwestern, Japanese, Chinease, North American, Fast food, Italian, etc restaurants. Amazing.
- A fedex kinkos (where I am now using internet)
- Used CD store
-Pet food store
-Hair salon, nail salon, tanning place.
- Bank,
- Dentist

And when I say walking distance, I mean under 5 minutes. So, we're all set. Must run now though, we're off to find my new work, and make the first essential visit to Ikea. And wash the dead bugs off of our poor poor car.


  1. You sound like you're getting it together.....was there ever any doubt!!:-)
    All the best for tommorrow....I'll be thinking of of you...
    Much love and hugs

  2. Yay! glad you made it. Sounds like the border guards were akin to Shannon at the airport... ahhh, good ole shannon and his buds, they make for a stressful crossing! at least you didn't take any meat products with you this time.

  3. You're home!!!
    Welcome to your new home. Your old one misses you. Cuddle our kitty for me, and tell her I miss her. Oh, and Daryl too. Well, the missing him part. The cuddling part is your job.
    Keep us updated. You are loved.

  4. You are there. Congratulations! I am so very very glad that you love your apartment and that it is so close to so many wonderful things.

    Just one thing... WE need PICTURES!

    God bless you and welcome home.

  5. oh ditto what Tabby said. Pictures!
    Speaking of tabbies, we got a new kitten! His name is Wash. He's a little tabby with gorgeous markings and a naughty disposition. He's beautiful.

  6. I'm so happy that you found a good coffee vendor - it's so important to maintaining a high quality of life! I love you guys and am so happy that you're settling in well. PS, I hope you'll think of me in IKEA.

  7. Hi there,

    Krista and I missed getting to meet you guys at St. Herman's in Edmonton, but Fr. John mentioned you were coming. We were the ones up front trying to project a welcoming expression to you...
    Hope you had a great trek out.

    Grace & Peace.

  8. Anonymous4:00 p.m.

    Congrats - you made it! We were thinking of you lots as you made the arduous drive. Sorry to hear the border was so crazy - hopefully you can console yourself with the amenities nearby your new home: have some sushi, go for a tan and then hit up the dentist - in that order. Just kidding! Can't wait 'til you're set up on MSN so I can send you "the guy." Love, Rach (and Jon)

  9. Anonymous11:08 a.m.

    Unfortunately we were in a rush when we visited St. Herman's. We had to leave very quickly and were unable to stay for the coffee hour. Your smiles were all warmly felt, however, and provided us with a nice warm glow inside for the rest of the trip. Thank you all.

  10. Hey you.... got your message (I was in the middle of one of the several hundred orientation sessions I will have to go over the next three days) and will call very, very soon.
