Monday, June 12, 2006

It was going so well....

So...Today was THE day. I purged junk yesterday, it went out with big brothers today, and today was THE day to get back in to the swing of eating healthier and exercising. I've been feeling very sluggish lately. You see all these little bad habits have crept back in, and "treats" have become frequent...And I have let exercise slide...and I feel icky! So, today was the day to slide back into my healthier ways in an effort to increase my energy and decrease my waist!

I am a weight watchers person - one of "those." I lost about 40lb almost 4 or so years ago! I kept it all off for about 2-3 years. The point system really worked for me. I really learned healthy habits, didn't feel deprived (most of the time ;-), and changed my lifestyle. But...over the years since, bad habits here and there have crept back at a time, and added up to gaining some of the weight back. This was compounded, by the fact that I quit smoking exactly 11 months ago today. Happy anniversary me!! Daryl too - we've both been quit for 11 months - not a puff! the metabolism slowed, and eating increased...

So - time to re-visit the points system that has served me well, pay attention to what i'm eating, and build back in some of those good habits that have strayed away. It went SO well all day - I was under my points allowance, and feeling totally satisfied and full. We even had sangria with dinner- perfect for a hot day. Then we went out for coffee with a friend...and it was about 8pm..and I was getting a bit hungry (an apple or pudding cup would have surficed). So, we shared a pannini and a kleinberg bar (REALLY yummy, but SO unhealthy sweet treat). To be clear the real problem with this is that we were full and satisfied BEFORE eating this (I was a bit peckish, but as I said, an apple would have done it)! So we were then feeling overfull, and my wonderfully successful first day back on the bandwagon had gone awry. That's ok. It happens. Back at it. We did walk home though! And, I will record the points, even though it will make me cringe!

I DID however bake the banana bread that I have been meaning to bake for an eternity! Whole wheat, low fat and OH so yummy! The recipe has 3 banana's per loaf, so it's super good and bananay. I have one loaf in the freezer, and another I'll dig into tomorrow for breakfast.


  1. One day at a day at a time....or is the phrase "babysteps",that's for packing and decluttering....but it COULD work for W/ think?? :-)

  2. Congrats for being smokefree for 11 months....proud parentials on this end!!
